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Jack O'Neill
29-10-2013, 10:53 PM
Tenia ganas de comprarme un reloj y vi este en amazon:


El problema es que una opinión de uno que lo compro dice que es mejor comprar 2 de ellos, pero solo tienen uno para vender, por lo cual mi pregunta es si lo compro igual ??

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Most Helpful Customer Reviews

315 of 365 people found the following review helpfulMagnificent piece of technology (http://www.amazon.com/review/R20CCL5WNH39MV/ref=cm_cr_dp_title?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B008B9JWK6&nodeID=377110011&store=watches)
By leraat1974 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A25Y8900MJ0I2J/ref=cm_cr_dp_pdp) on October 6, 2012

After spending some time looking for the perfect watch I came across the Zenith Xtreme Tourbillon and I was more than impressed. This watch is one of the most technologically advaced watches in the world. After visiting the plant located under the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland I was sold! I had to buy one! ( I actually own 2 of them, but more on that later)... Just the fact that it takes almost 3 years to build and there are more than 378 people involved in the process from engineers, plumbers, carpenters,mathematicians,physicists, pharmacists, etc., is mind blowing.

Let me start with the case itself, which is made out of a mix of Unobtanium and T-Rex wisdom tooth, it's light but yet strong enough to withstand 12000 atmospheres of presure. Then comes the heart of the watch, "the engine", powered by a mini-nuclear reactor, running on a (2/16th X 1/32th of an inch ) bar of Plutonium 238 that has a life of 88 years.

This brings me to the cooling system: (any of you who owns a mini-nuclear reactor watch knows that cooling the reactor can be a pain in the butt, since you have to constantly inject water into the watch to lower the tempeture and if you somehow forget, not only do you end up with a nuclear meltdown, it also voids the warranty!!.)

And at this point is when the most impressive use of technology I have seen comes to play, the people of Zenith came around this by using your own body water..Yes !!.. this baby cools itself down by absorbing water from the body through the bracelet which contains thousands of micro-bonding cells that attach to the pores on contact and pull water to the surface of the skin to be absord by the wristband!! Genious!! the only drawback with this aproach is that if you are not carefull you might became de-hydrated. The people at Zenith recomend that you drink at least 10 gallons of water a day to help wth the process.

The other part of the cooling system is the big turbine located on the upper left side of the watch ,which is used for steam release like any other nuclear reactor ( just a quick note on that: it might freak some people out, specially if you are on a subway in New York city and the steam starts coming out).

The other 2 small turbines are for propulsion only, and they are powerfull!! more than 400 hp of pure thrust ! remember this is a profesional scuba diving watch and having the turbines to push you through water at 150 knots helps a lot,, In my case, after a quick dive at the Marianas Trench I realized the if you don't keep the watch in a center position with relation to your body you end up swimming in circles!!...that's why I bought 2..one for each hand so I can move in a straight line.

And Last but not least remember to read the instructions. There's a code included with your documents, like an activation code, but in this case you have to call the Deparment of Defense to let them know the you own a Tourbillon watch, since it leaks small traces of radiation. The people at Zenith were very helpfull bailing me out since I forgot that step and found myself on a plane on my way to Guantanamo.

An amazing machine!! go ahead buy it ,,stop staring at it you wont regret it!!

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El resto de las opiniones estan potables, pero esa es la mejor por lejos !!!

No sabia en donde mas ponerlo en el foro XD

29-10-2013, 11:38 PM
jajajajaja, el resto de los review se van al carajo tambien, la rompen!!

5.0 out of 5 stars Lifechanging Watch, July 15, 2013
RatedAwesome (http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A5FWB3EZS4FFZ/ref=cm_cr_pr_pdp) - See all my reviews (http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A5FWB3EZS4FFZ/ref=cm_cr_pr_auth_rev?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview)

This review is from: Zenith Defy Xtreme Tourbillon Men's Automatic Watch 96-0528-4035-21-M528 (Watch)
I was kinda iffy about buying this watch. I've been trying to buy my parents a home for the last few months so it was a tough call. After lots of thinking, I figured having a 112k watch (on sale from 205k, what a steal!) would be a better investment. After all, real estate is pretty scary. At first my parents were really mad. The second they saw this 8th wonder of the world, they understood. My parents said they were cool with living in the shelter or on the street just as long as they could keep a photo of the watch. I told them sure, for $10 bucks. (pay for the shipping!)

I'm also trying to make a career change and figured this watch would equal an MBA or law degree...I mean, look at it! So I had an interview with a custom tailored suit. I made sure my left arm length was 1 inch shorter than the right, thats right, no way I can let some cloth cover up the love of my life! Right after I gave my handshake to the hiring manager, he offered me a job. In fact, he offered me HIS job. He said he'd love to be my assistant. He took off his nameplate on the door and Sharpie'ed mine...class act!

I was so pumped after that interview. I had my left arm hanging outside my car window blasting Mozart in my 1992 Black and Blue Geo Prism. I was stopped at a red light when I saw this amazing women reading on a park bench. I waved my left arm and the massive amount of bling caught her eye (blinded her). She came up to my passenger door and asked if I could take her out for dinner. I was taken back at first but this girl looked like Jessica Biel, Halle Berry, and Scarlet Johansson combined. I instantly said yes and took her to the first place someone wearing this watch would want to go...Chuck E Cheese. After all I just got a sick job, I could spend some cash right!?

The second children saw the Zenith Defy Xtreme Tourbillon Men's Automatic Watch, they were in awe. After a few minutes, I was surrounded like I was Chuckie! The girl couldn't believe how good I am with children, scored some major points with that. We even had some amazing pizza on the house! The manager saw my watch and figured I was from Chuck E Cheese HQ and gave us free pizza, soda, AND 20 bucks in tokens! BALLIN!!! We played skeeball and I kept getting the dead center hole. Oh yea, this watch improves your aim with all throwing motions. I had over 5,000 tickets and got her a sick backpack. Told her that's right, for all the books you like reading! She gave me the biggest kiss ever! When we were leaving, a kid got stuck in the ball pit. Everyone was going crazy. I pushed the panic button on my watch and the watch knows whats up. I was able to clear the ball pit with a sonic wave of air pushing all the balls to the other side of the pit. The EMT's were able to get the child and he was safe. Again, scored some major points with the lady!

When we were walking back to my car, she asked if I had a pool at my place. I said of course I do, I got a sweet kiddie pool on my apartment patio. I'll let you figure out what happen from there but heres a hint...I was wearing my watch the entire time!!! The Zenith Defy Xtreme Tourbillon Men's Automatic Watch improves EVERYTHING.

Thank you Zenith, I have a perfect girl and an amazing job.

This watch has completely changed my life. :)

30-10-2013, 11:52 AM
Jajajaja se van a la mierda las reviews!

30-10-2013, 12:10 PM
jajaj a mi lo que me mata es ese ahorro de 92.250 dólares

Jack O'Neill
30-10-2013, 10:47 PM
machazo descuento ... como para perderse esa ganga :P