Ver la versión completa : Watchdogs a la venta mayo 27 segun leak

06-03-2014, 10:15 AM

Aparentemente se viene el 27 mayo!

The leak comes ahead of an official announcement from Ubisoft (http://www.videogamer.com/ps4/watch_dogs/news/watch_dogs_news_coming_very_very_soon.html), expected at 5pm today.
The tweet has since been removed, but the first few words can be recovered by entering the URL into a Facebook status update, as pictured above.
The date is expected to apply to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC versions, with a Wii U release due to follow at a later date.
Ubisoft told VideoGamer.com that it did not comment on rumour or speculation when contacted about a release date earlier today.

UPDATE: The May 27 release date has been confirmed by a leaked story trailer via xbox.com (http://epix.xbox.com/shaXam/0201/2f/d1/2fd1456f-9cc7-41a0-8db0-0d88e57259de.WMV?v=1#8528_WDOG_STORY_XBOX360_030414.WMV).
