Ver la versión completa : Demos Unreal Engine 4

30-04-2014, 06:51 PM
Buenas gente, no se si va a acá el post pero ya estan disponibles las demo del Unreal Engine 4 para probar

This archive contains five Unreal Engine 4 demos that demonstrate engine capabilities in different scenarios.

Effects Cave: Lets you walk through a cave with water and lighting effects.
Realistic Rendering: Renders an indoor scene with almost photorealistic quality.
Reflections: Shows off how to get the most of Unreal Engine 4's Real-time reflection system in a realistic, dark, and grungy environment.
Shooter Game: Serves as a basic template to a Quake 4 style multi player game.
Temple Mobile: Walkthrough in a temple.

Before running the demos you might have to install the (included) Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redist Runtimes.
Settings can be edited using the included batch file (e.g. ResolutionSizeX=1920; ResolutionSizeY=1080)


30-04-2014, 06:56 PM
La del demonio http://www.mediafire.com/download/rb4iqf555iakxbt/Elemental.rar

30-04-2014, 07:24 PM