Ver la versión completa : Jugaba al Dota y stremeaba, y fue robada en VIVO

Darth Vader
09-06-2014, 09:41 PM
Esta muchacha estaba stremeando en vivo mientras jugaba Dota, y le entraron tipos armados a robar, los televidentes rápidamente se contactaron con alguien que ella conocía, llamaron a la policía, y agarraron a uno, al parecer están por agarrar el otro.


Video completo:


En este último se ve algo al minuto 8, y al minuto 12 aproximandamente los amigos reaccionan porque les avisa el chat, y ahí es cuando llaman a la policía.

Acá está el informativo de FOX que muestran a uno de los chorros esposado:


09-06-2014, 09:47 PM
jajajajaja, en el segundo video en 3:12 es el momento en que entran los malandros :D

09-06-2014, 10:11 PM
que de meno.. todavia la putean los otros

09-06-2014, 10:12 PM
Pa, que salado bo :S

Deci que los que miraban el stream no pensaron que era joda y se animaron a llamar y eso, sino anda a saber...

Hay que empezar a streamear para estar mas seguros.

Me imagino si esto le llega a pasar a Swifty, mas quemados los chorros no van a quedar, con todas las camaras que tiene Swifty pf

Darth Vader
09-06-2014, 10:16 PM
En el link del noticiero que puse al final está la llamada que hicieron al 911, cuando la operadora le pregunta de donde saco el dato, el tipo le tira:

-Una persona... en Europa
-Que pais de Europa?
-Eh... no se exactamente

Pensar que acá si llegas a llamar por algo así y con ese argumento ni pelota te dan.

09-06-2014, 10:20 PM
lo que pasa que como los ubicas? la minita no va a tener su direccion publica por ahi, si justo no la taba mirando alguien que la conosca... es lo mismo que la nada llamar

Nick L. Scott
09-06-2014, 11:20 PM
Por eso no juego al DotA. Te roban.

Hablando en serio, ligó de que justo estaba haciendo un streaming. Y Según lo que entendí (lo miré medio al pasar) en realidad el que llama al 911 le dice que alguien vio que la estaban robando, no que fue él el que vio. El que llama al 911 sí sabe dónde vive la mina (o entendí cualquiera?)

09-06-2014, 11:24 PM
Lo vi hoy a la mañana en el grupo de DotA del feis. Muy salado.

Descansa el rubick jjajaaj

09-06-2014, 11:32 PM
Uno de los que estaba jugando dice que le manda un mensaje a uno que sabe de donde es y donde vive

09-06-2014, 11:58 PM
me chupa un huevo lo que le paso a la china, solo vengo a decir que la morocha del informativo es un traba


10-06-2014, 01:13 PM
No era tan random la loca al final. Es la novia de uno de los de DotaCinema, SUNSFan. Y parece que estaban los 2 en la casa cuando pasó.

Dejo lo que puso la loca en el facebook:

Thank you for the kind outpouring of love and support for SUNSfan and me right now. It means the world that we (and both cats) are okay. It was a very scary situation to be in - especially knowing we were not the originally intended target, and how much worse it could have been if it were not for our friends from around the world who acted quickly to get the police involved. A big thank you especially to Ace, Neil, Spawn, CyborgMatt, and anyone else I may have regretfully missed who acted quickly - especially since our own neighbors DID NOT call anyone. We owe you our love and gratitude and life.
To get to the gist of it, I was streaming when we heard a loud noise in the other room and thought it was the cats. SUNSfan went to go check it out and I hear another noise and him yelling. Two men kicked our door in and pointed their guns at us looking for the drugs and guns of some other man who was their original intended target but they got us instead. We only had the latter and offered them everything else we had. They had us face down on the floor and took our belongings (bank cards, phones, jewelry, laptop, etc). They were going to take us to the bank and keep me hostage while SUNSfan took out money and from there god only knows. That was when the cops showed up (again thanks to you). The police have someone in custody, and have all the numbers to track and trace any other accomplices (with my rifle serial numbers probably being the strongest apart from the video feed you took - and not getting into any debates, were all legally purchased in CALIFORNIA not Arizona and honestly I don't even know how long they would have stuck around or if they would keep us alive if they didn't find anything worth taking and knowing we had some money in the bank and wanted to wait for the bank to open).
Sometimes, the risk of having such a public, out there life creates various speculations and theories and opinions, too much and sometimes too painful to address individually, but on the bright side, I don't know where I would be if I wasn't doing what I was doing to have you come to our aid when the people who lived much closer were not able to do the same. I can not thank you all enough.
At this time, we're still in shock and can't really go through each individual messages just yet, but we'll get to them eventually and I promise to read and respond to as much as I can, if not all of it (as I usually try to do). All that matters is that we are okay.

Y lo que puso SUNSFan:

Hello friends,

For those that don't know, we had a little incident today. While
@Sajedene was live streaming, a couple robbers broke down our door
and held us at gun point. This was around 4AM local time, and
believe it or not, the loud crashing of the door wasn't enough to
prompt ANY neighbors to call the police.

But like i said, my girlfriend was streaming at the time and while
they were holding us captive in our bedroom, a man with a gun
showed up on her camera. As a result of this, our friends from
around the world worked frantically to contact the police, which
ended up saving us a few hours later.

I might go into more detail about the whole thing as time goes on,
but as you might imagine we are pretty shaken up. All I know is
that we were not the intended target.

I'd like to give a huge thanks to the community for stepping up to
the plate when things got serious. We haven't gotten a chance to
read up on what transpired from your side of things, but it has
become clear that @KuyaAce, @NeilFails, and @SpawnRulz literally saved our lives today. For that, I don't think we can ever repay you. Also @Cyborgmatt and others helped in ways that helped lead to our
rescue. If I'm missing anyone, I apologize, but like i said, we
haven't had a chance to catch up.

We're in recovery mode right now. But we want to thank all the
people who have shown their support. It is truly amazing what the
internet is capable of, and the Dota 2 community in particular has
been amazing. Who would have thought that streaming could save
your life?

I was actually in the middle of editing the audio for our next
guide at the time, so that might be delayed a bit (lol)

Thanks again friends. We'll be in touch soon.

PS: The DC Kittens (Monkey and King B) are both fine, much to our

Gracias a dios los 2 gatos están bien

Darth Vader
10-06-2014, 03:11 PM
Ahora entiendo que tenía colgado el chorro en los hombros en el minuto 15, eran las escopetas de la mina.

11-06-2014, 01:06 AM
En el link del noticiero que puse al final está la llamada que hicieron al 911, cuando la operadora le pregunta de donde saco el dato, el tipo le tira:

-Una persona... en Europa
-Que pais de Europa?
-Eh... no se exactamente

Pensar que acá si llegas a llamar por algo así y con ese argumento ni pelota te dan.

Si no me equivoco, acá, si llamás al 911 y estás en Artigas, por ejemplo, te dicen que llamen a otro número.