Ver la versión completa : DotA 2 en la página principal del New York Times

31-08-2014, 10:22 PM
'Dota 2' is on the front page of today's New York Times


If anyone is still questioning the legitimacy of e-sports, today should be a bit of a wake up call. The lead photo on the front page of today's New York Times is of this July's $10 million Dota 2 tournament, The International. That's right: The Gray Lady has taken note, running a story on the rise of e-sports on the front page of its Sunday edition. The accompanying article is the first in a series exploring how competitive video gaming has developed into a spectator sport.

The Times certainly isn't the first big media company to pay attention to e-sports: ESPN broadcast a preview of The International on its one of its cable channels, and, of course, Amazon just purchased Twitch for $970 million. Even with all of this attention, however, there's still plenty of room to debate whether e-sports are a true sport.

APPY Geek. (http://www.appy-geek.com/Web/ArticleWeb.aspx?regionid=3&articleid=28167630&m=d)

Se van para arriba los e-sports.
Ya empiezan a sonar por todos lados.