Ver la versión completa : Primer bench de juego con DX12

17-08-2015, 03:15 PM
GTX 980:


R9 390X:



It’s undoubtedly clear from our data that NVIDIA has vastly superior DX11 drivers when compared to AMD. DX11 is an API that requires a lot of optimization for games and for multi-threading and it would appear that NVIDIA’s engineering team has spent a lot of time and resources making sure there is the fastest and best performing platform. This makes sense – DX11 has been around for a long time and will likely be here for quite a while to come. But with the move to DX12, AMD’s less expensive GPU was able to match performance with the GTX 980, a card that was as much as 90% faster in the older API. How? Did AMD suddenly becoming API coding geniuses and tweak its driver for vastly different DX12 behavior than for DX11? I doubt it. Instead, we are seeing a combination of the work AMD did on Mantle / Vulkan APIs and the generalization of game engines that is bound to happen when an engine has more direct access to the GPU hardware than they have ever had. And it doesn’t hurt that AMD has been working with Oxide and the Nitrous engine for many years as it was one of the few game engines to ever really implement Mantle.​

Fuente: http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Graphics-Cards/DX12-GPU-and-CPU-Performance-Tested-Ashes-Singularity-Benchmark

PD: No sabia donde poner la noticia, moverlo donde haya que moverlo c:

17-08-2015, 06:26 PM
hasta que no lo vea en un juego real no lo creo


PD: cuando la limosna es grande hasta el santo desconfía :challenge:

Jack O'Neill
17-08-2015, 07:33 PM
falta ver tambien que no este toqueteado para dar bajo en el 11 ... o el 12 inflado ...